domingo, 5 de abril de 2015

Charles Rennie Mackintosh (I)

Breve entrada sobre los fantásticos dibujos de Charles Rennie Mackintosh, famoso por la Glasgow School of Arts. ¡Disfrutad las imágenes!
(Pincha sobre las imágenes para una mayor resolución)

Short entry about Charles Rennie Mackintosh's amazing drawings, well known thanks to its Glasgow School of Arts. Enjoy the pictures!
(Click on the images for a higher resolution)

The Hill House, Helensburgh, Scotland / Escocia, 1903

The Glasgow School of Arts, Glasgow, Scotland / Escocia, 1897

Windy Hill, Scotland / Escocia

Artist's Cottage, East, west, south and north elevation, 1899-1900 
Here are pictures of the building / Fotos del edificio construído aquí

Martyr's Public School, Glasgow, Scotland / Escocia, 1896

Studio-house, Glebe Place, Chelsea, England / Inglaterra,1920

Three Chelsea Studios, Chelsea, England / Inglaterra

House for an Art Lover, Competition entry / Propuesta de concurso

Scotland Street Public School, Glasgow, Scotland / Escocia
Old House, England / Inglaterra, Summer / Verano 1895