jueves, 6 de diciembre de 2012

We have to learn

¿Has pensado alguna vez que necesitas más de lo que tienes? Debemos aprender y empezar a apreciar lo que tenemos. Ser humildes y sinceros con nosotros mismos. No es solo ser más conscientes, sino también más humanos. Mirad a este chico: sólo piensa en compartir su conocimiento con su familia y conocidos para sacar adelante a su comunidad. No es egoísta, antepone la gente a sí mismo. Definitivamente, tenemos que empezar a aprender. Mirad el vídeo y comprobadlo vosotros mismos :) Más información aquí

Have you ever think you need more than you own currently? We have to learn and start valuing what we got. Being humble and honest with ourselves. It's not only about being more concious, it's also being more human. Look at this kid: he only thinks about sharing his knowledge and discoverings with his people and colleagues to go his community on (apart of the fact that he's such a genius). He's not selfish, he thinks about people first. How many of us though first about people? Definitely, we have to start learing. Watch and amazed yourself :) For further information click here

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